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  • 2018~2022 (Updated: April 2024)

  Table 1 Gross and Net National Wealth-by Major Types of Asset                                                   (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 2 Produced Assets-by Usage Sector                                                                                     (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 3 Produced Fixed Assets for Enterprises of All Industry-by Economic Activity                      (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 4 Balance Sheet-by Sector                                                                                                    (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 5 Net Worth-by Sector                                                                                                           (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 6 Assets Structure for Households Sector                                                                             (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 7 Assets & Liabilities Per Household and Per Capita-Households Sector                             (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 8 Gini Coefficient and Quintiles of Household Wealth                                                            (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 9 Joint Household Distribution by Household Wealth and Income Deciles                            (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 10 Mean Household Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth-by Net Worth and Income Quintiles  (EXCEL) (ODS)

  • 2017~2021 (Updated: April 2023)

  Table 1 Gross and Net National Wealth-by Major Types of Asset                               (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 2 Produced Assets-by Usage Sector                                                                  (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 3 Produced Fixed Assets for Enterprises of All Industry-by Economic Activity  (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 4 Balance Sheet-by Sector                                                                                 (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 5 Net Worth-by Sector                                                                                        (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 6 Assets Structure for Households Sector                                                          (EXCEL) (ODS)

  Table 7 Assets & Liabilities Per Household and Per Capita-Households Sector         (EXCEL) (ODS)