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Data Category: Family Income and Expenditure Statistics

Data Release Agencies: Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan

Data Item: Disposable income disparity multiple, average family income and expenditure per household, percent distribution of total expenditures, percentages of households with household equipment and rate of self-owned house

1.Data Compiling and Release Agencies: 

   *Release Agency: Department of Local Statistics, Directorate General of Budget, Accounting & Statistics (DGBAS)

   *Data Compiling Agency: Household Income and Expenditure Statistics Section, Department of Local Statistics, Directorate General of Budget, Accounting & Statistics (DGBAS) 

   *Tel No.: 886-49-2394069#2345
   *Fax No.: 886-49-2394040

2.Release Form

or Briefing: YesNone



     *Statistic Tables: None.

     *Books: Report on The Survey of Family Income and Expenditure


     *Online Press Releases, Table, Book or Database, URL1:

     *Online Press Releases, Table, Book or Database, URL2: None.

     *Online Press Releases, Table, Book or Database, URL3: None.

     *Online Press Releases, Table, Book or Database, URL4: None.



*Other: None.

3.the Data Scope, Periodicity and Timeliness

     *Coverage and Object: 

ObjectTaiwan nationals living in Taiwan and their families (refer to those living together)

     *Statistical Standard Time: January 1st through December 31st of each year

     *Definition of Statistical Items: 

The survey comprises the makeup of the family, home appliances, the residence’s status and income and expenditure. The outcome is used to calculate the percentage of families that own home appliances, the percentage of families that own residential real estate and the average household disposable income, expenditure and savings.

1. Disposable Income Disparity Multiple: Divide family disposal incomes into 5 ranges. The quotient obtained by dividing the average income of the top 20% range by that of the bottom 20% range is the Multiple.

2. Gini’s concentration coefficient: a measure of inequality of income distribution, ranging from 0% to 100%. A higher Gini coefficient indicates greater inequality of income distribution, whereas a lower coefficient means greater equality.

3. Family Income/Expenditure: Regular income includes employee compensation, business owner earnings, property income, rent, regular transfers and miscellaneous. Regular expenditure includes non-consumer expenses (interests and regular transfers) and consumer expenses.

4. Family expenditure includes food and non-alcoholic beverages, tobacco, alcoholic beverages and betel nuts, clothing and footwear, Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels, furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance, health, transport, communication, recreation and culture, education, restaurants and hotels, miscellaneous goods and services.

5. The percentage of families owning a certain home appliance: The number of families that owns a certain home appliance to the number of all families.

6. The percentage of families owning residential real estate: The number of families that owns the property on which they live to the number of all families.

     *Statistical Unit: 
Family income/expenditure and consumption are denoted by “NT$”, while the percentage of families owning a certain home appliance and the percentage of families owning their home are denoted by “%”.

     *Statistical Classification: 

1.Average family income/expenditure per household by areas.

2.Average family income/expenditure is per household by 5 equal divisions of household according to disposable income.

3.Household housing and modernized facilities by areas.

     *Release Periodicity (the frequency of data compilation or producing, such as month, quarter, year, etc.): Annual.

     *Timeliness (the interval between the end of statistical standard time and data release time): 8 Months

     *Major Change: 

            Family income distribution survey was conducted for the first time in 1964. It was a sampling survey of family income/expenditure conducted by DGBAS. In 1966, the BAS office of the provincial government took over and began conducting the survey every other year. In 1970, Taipei city was upgraded to a city directly administered by the Cabinet. Since then, the BAS offices of the provincial government and Taipei city conducted the survey separately. The survey was then conducted yearly. In 1979, Kaohsiung was upgraded to a state-governed city. The BAS offices of the provincial government, Taipei city and Kaohsiung city now conducted the survey separately once yearly. In 2000, the provincial government was downsized and the BAS office of the provincial government was turned into the Central Taiwan Office of DGBAS. Since then, the survey has been conducted separately by DGBAS Central Taiwan Office and the BAS offices of Taipei and Kaohsiung cities yearly. In 2011,    
some counties were upgraded to special municipality. In 2012, due to the adjustment of government organization, DGBAS, New Taipei City, Taipei city, Taichung City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung city conducted the survey separately once yearly. In 2014, Taoyuan City was upgraded to special municipality, and also conducted the survey separately once yearly.


 4.Release Information

     *Announce Release Date in Advance: 
Uploaded at the DGBAS Metadata Link

     *Simultaneously Send Unit: None.

5.Data Quality

     *Statistical Methodology and Source Data: 

(1)Family income/expenditure surveys are conducted using registered household data with the county/city for the general population. Stratified 2-Stage Random Sampling is used to select those to be interviewed. The appropriate stratum is determined by employment structure in industry and education level. The Stage 1 sampling unit is the village/neighborhood and the Stage 2 the household. The survey is conducted through interview, leave-out/pick-up questionnaire, on-line Internet questionnaire, and so on. Major annual income/expenditure items are in the survey. The number of households is weighted to obtain desired data. The household weight is obtained by multiplying the number of households interviewed by the number of all households of the population. 

(2) Refer to “Report on The Survey of Family Income and Expenditure” for the survey method and the sampling method.

     *the Mechanism to Ensure the Reliability and Accuracy: 
Extreme values of income and expenditure accounts are prepared and cross-checked. The results are classified by region, educational level and occupation to ensure accuracy.

6.Remarks and Advance Notice of Related Changes: None. 

7.Other Announcements

Correct the data release time 2 weeks before the actual data is released. 

Yes No