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What are the Input-Output Tables? What are the Supply-Use Tables? What is the difference between IOTs and SUTs?

a.The Input-Output Tables(IOTs) are the matrixes which represent interrelationships between each commodity. These tables include various kinds of transactions tables, input coefficient tables, and impact coefficient tables, which are described as follows:

1. Transactions Table is the basic table of Input-Output statistics. Each row represents the destination, for intermediate consumption or final use, of commodities. Each column details the production function of a specific commodity, including the value of the commodity’s total output, the mix of commodities it consumes to produce this output and the value added by labor and capital producing this output. The final use columns detail the commodity composition of the final use components of GDP. On the basis of different commodity sources, Transaction Table can be further divided into “Transactions Table of Domestic Goods and Services” and “Transactions Table of Import Goods and Services”. These transactions tables can be valued at different prices.

(1) The purchaser’s price is the amount paid by the purchaser, including transport margins, trade margins and non-deductible VAT.

(2) The producer’s price is the amount receivable by the producer from the purchaser for a unit of commodity produced as output minus transport margins, trade margins and non-deductible VAT.

In our compilation practice, Transactions Table is valued at both producer’s price and purchaser’s price respectively. Transactions Table of Domestic/Import Goods and Services are valued at producer’s price only.

2. Input coefficients tables are used to estimate directly corresponding effects of each commodity group. These tables are calculated by the following method. Each input of every sector divide individually by gross output of corresponding sector.

3. Impact coefficients tables are used to estimate directly and indirectly corresponding effects of domestic commodities resulting from increased (or decreased) quantity of one industry to final users.

b.The Supply and Use tables(SUTs) describe how products (goods and services) are brought into an economy (either as a result of domestic production or imports from other countries) and recorded in the Supply Table, and how those same products are used (as intermediate consumption, private final consumption, government final consumption, gross fixed capital formation and exports) and recorded in the Use Table. We released SUTs in the base year since 2019.

c.The main differences between SUTs and IOTs are as follows:

1.Scope: The supply table of SUTs presents the product mix produced by domestic industries, and the status of each product from domestic industries and imports. The use table reflects the cost structure of each industry, the final use of each product by the department, and the flow of each product. IOTs is similar with use table, and the supply side only show the domestic output and imports.

2.Compiling process: SUTs are produced for Commodity-by-Industry(CxI) based on source data. IOTs are converted into Commodity-by-Commodity(CxC) transaction tables based on source data and technical assumptions.