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What types of data are chiefly collected by the Industry and Service Census? What main statistical items are generated with these census results?

1.Census questions:

The chief questions asked by the Industry and Service Census concerning organizational type, date opened for business, mode of operation, business items in key industries, employees and wages, operating revenue/expenditure, assets actually used, use of dispatched labor or operation for labor dispatching services, product sales channels, status of business computerization, company brands, intangible investments, specialized technology transactions, environmental protection expenditures, value of triangular trade, service trade, status of product and technology innovation, utilized value of materials and its distribution of source, and other details items specific to individual industries.

2.Major statistical items:

Includes number of enterprise units, number of establishments, number of industrial and commercial employees, labor compensation, total value of production, assets actually used, labor facility rate, labor productivity, capital structure, capital productivity, and corporate scale of operations and efficiency.