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The statistical classifications and the scope of their definitions is not entirely the same in each agency's statistical publication; how can this situation be improved ?

  • Release Department:Department of Statistics

1. Because statistics have different purposes and focal points, different classifications or definitions may be used for matters of the same nature. To ensure that data is widely used and comparable, DGBAS has determined consistent regulations for various statistical standard classifications.

2. DGBAS has currently bounced a “Statistical Scope Division among Governments at Different Level and among Central Government Agencies” prescribing that government statistics are not repeated. DGBAS has also developed standard classifications for industry and occupational statistics, and consistent regulations for administrative district and village codes. This ensures that the same matters can be subjected to comparative analysis on the same spatial, temporal, and characteristic basis, expanding the application of statistical data. These standards and regulations are regularly reviewed and revised on the basis of the socioeconomic environment, so that they comply with practical needs.