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Is the announcement of various government statistical data currently subject to unified management ?

  • Release Department:Department of Statistics

1. In order to establish regulations governing the announcement of statistical data by government agencies, DGBAS has set up the "Statistical Data Dissemination Directions of Government Agencies" after consulting the statistical data announcement regulations of the UN, IMF, and OECD, and incorporating major regulations of the Statistics Act and its enforcement rules; the Executive Yuan directed government agencies to implement the Directions on December 27, 2001.

2. The Directions specify that each agency must make background information concerning the data (including announcing and compiling agencies and units, form of announcement, data scope, cycle and time-effectiveness, data source, and explanation of compilation, etc.) when announcing statistical data, and shall issue a statistical data announcement schedule at least once every half-year. In addition, the Directions specify that DGBAS may list and control the key statistical data issued by various agencies. The implementation of the Directions allows DGBAS to effectively manage the announcement of statistical data at individual agencies, and prevent agencies from arbitrarily changing their announcement times and methods.