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The sample design ,survey operation and results of Family Income and Expenditure Survey

1. Family Income and Expenditure Survey adopts a stratified two-stage design.The numbers of samples drawn has been fixed at 16,528 households, and sampling rate was about 2‰.Through face-to-face interviews once a year, the information on major items of annual receipts,expenditure and equipments was collected to estimate national situation.

2. The survey operation is as follows:

(1) The information on receipts provided by household such as utilities payment,insurance premium,and tuition were recorded directly.

(2) For the remaining items, in order to estimate the household consumption of the whole year,interviewer got short period of spending first. For instance,to estimate household spending on rice of year round, the information of consumption period, weight and cost of a bag of rice was inquired first and then the information collected was verified by size and characteristics of household. Concerning educational expenditure,the inquiry will undertaken step by step to get the information of household members at school, which kind of school they attend,tuition and residences fees etc.

3. To enhance the interview technique of field interviewer, DGBAS held annual training sessions to train seed instructors who taught field interviewer interview skills and shared experience in workshops. To ensure data accuracy, DGBAS also conducted field checks by calling up and interviewing selected households to verify the information collected.Besides, the data were subjected to further consistency and verification checks built into the computer system before processing. Annual seminar were held to review the sampling design, interview skill and compilation.Survey results were published after the review and verification of the National Accounts Statistics Review Committee composed of experts and scholars.