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Statistical Abstract of National Accounts (Last Update on Aug. 2024)


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1-1. Gross Domestic Product and National Income (EXCEL) (ODF)
1-2. Per Capita Income and Consumption (EXCEL) (ODF)
1-3. Average Annual Rates of Increase - Economic Growth (EXCEL) (ODF)

2-1. Gross National Income(At current prices) (EXCEL)  (ODF)
2-2. Gross National Income(Chained dollars,Reference year = 2016) (EXCEL) (ODF)

3-1. Gross Domestic Product by Expenditures(At current price) (EXCEL) (ODF)
3-2. Gross Domestic Product by Expenditures(Chained dollars,Reference year = 2016) (EXCEL) (ODF)
3-3. Gross Domestic Product by Expenditures(Percentage Distribution for Nominal GDP) (EXCEL) (ODF)
3-4. Gross Domestic Product by Expenditures(Rates of Increase in Nominal GDP) (EXCEL)  (ODF)
3-5. Gross Domestic Product by Expenditures(Growth Rates in Chained Volume Indexes) (EXCEL)  (ODF)
3-6. Gross Domestic Product by Expenditures(Contribution to Economic Growth) (EXCEL)  (ODF)

4-1. Implicit Price Deflators(Reference year=2016) (EXCEL) (ODF)
4-2. Implicit Price Deflators(Annual Rates of Change) (EXCEL) (ODF)

5-1. Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Activity(At current prices) (EXCEL) (ODF)
5-2. Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Activity(Chained dollars,Reference year = 2016) (EXCEL) (ODF)
5-3. Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Activity(Percentage Distribution at Current Prices) (EXCEL) (ODF)
5-4. Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Activity(Rates of Increase at Current Prices) (EXCEL) (ODF)
5-5. Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Activity(Growth Rates in Chained Volume Indexes) (EXCEL) (ODF)
5-6. Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Activity(Contribution to Economic Growth) (EXCEL) (ODF)

6-1. Domestic Factor Income(At current prices) (EXCEL) (ODF)
6-2. Domestic Factor Income(Percentage Distribution at Current Prices) (EXCEL) (ODF)

7-1. Domestic Production and Cost Components(At Current Prices) (EXCEL) (ODF)
7-2. Domestic Production and Cost Components(Percentage Distribution at Current Prices) (EXCEL) (ODF)
7-3. Domestic Production and Cost Components(Rates of Increase at Current Prices) (EXCEL) (ODF)

8-1. National Income and National Savings(At current prices) (EXCEL) (ODF)
8-2. National Income and National Savings(Chained dollars, Reference year = 2016) (EXCEL)(ODF)

9. National Disposable Income, Consumption and Savings (EXCEL) (ODF)

10. Gross National Savings and Investments (EXCEL) (ODF)

11. Gross Capital Formation (GCF) by Owner (EXCEL) (ODF)

12. Gross Capital Formation (GCF) by Owner (EXCEL) (ODF)

13-1. Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) by Kind of Activity(At current prices) (EXCEL) (ODF)
13-2. Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) by Kind of Activity(Percentage Distribution for Nominal GFCF) (EXCEL) (ODF)
13-3. Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) by Kind of Activity(Rates of Increase in Nominal GFCF) (EXCEL) (ODF)
13-4. Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) by Kind of Activity(Growth Rates in Chained Volume Indexes) (EXCEL) (ODF)

14-1. Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) by Type of Capital Goods(At Current Prices) (EXCEL)  (ODF)
14-2. Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) by Type of Capital Goods(Percentage Distribution for Nominal GFCF) (EXCEL) (ODF)
14-3. Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) by Type of Capital Goods(Rates of Increase in Nominal GFCF) (EXCEL) (ODF)
14-4. Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) by Type of Capital Goods(Growth Rates in Chained Volume Indexes) (EXCEL) (ODF)

15-1. The Finance of Gross Domestic Capital Formation(At Current Prices) (EXCEL)  (ODF)
15-2. The Finance of Gross Domestic Capital Formation(Percentage Distribution) (EXCEL) (ODF)

16. Gross National Savings and Gross Domestic Investment (EXCEL) (ODF)

17. Household Income, Disposable Income and Propensity to Consume (EXCEL) (ODF)

18. Composition of Private Final Consumption Expenditure (EXCEL) (ODF)

19. Percentage Share of Disposable Income by Quintile of Households (EXCEL) (ODF)

20. General Government Current Receipts and Disbursements (EXCEL) (ODF)

21. External Current Transactions (EXCEL) (ODF)

Last Update on Aug. 2024