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Earnings and Productivity Statistics in December 2014

Contact Information:Department of Census, Directorate General of Budget, Accounting & Statistics (DGBAS)

The average employment in 2014 was 7,275 thousand, increased by 137 thousand (or 1.93%) than 2013. The average accession rate of 2014 was 2.51%, increased by 0.17 percentage point than 2013. The average separation rate was 2.35%, increased by 0.14 percentage point than 2013. The average working hour of 2014 was 177.9 hours, increased by 0.9 hours than 2013. The regular working hour increased 0.7 hours, while the overtime increased 0.2 hours. The average regular earnings in 2014 was NT$38,208, which increased 1.81% than 2013. Together with regular and irregular earnings, the average monthly earnings of 2014 was NT$47,300, increased by 3.58% than 2013. The average labor productivity index of 2014 was 4.12% more than 2013, while the unit output labor cost index of 2014 was 1.40% less than in 2013.