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The Price Indices for August 2024

Contact Information : Price Statistics Section, Department of Statistics, Directorate General of Budget, Accounting & Statistics (DGBAS)
Tel : 886-2-2380-3449

The CPI in August 2024 increased 0.40% from the preceding month, and increased 2.36% compared with the same month of 2023. The PPI fell 0.19% from the preceding month, and increased 1.44% compared with the same month of 2023. The IPI on USD basis rose 0.17% from the preceding month, and decreased 0.64% compared with the same month of 2023. The EPI on USD basis rose 0.01% from the preceding month, and decreased 0.17% compared with the same month of 2023.

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Table 1 The Changes of Consumer Price Indices (EXCEL) (ODF)
Table 2 The Changes of Producer Price Indices (EXCEL) (ODF)
Table 3 The Changes of Import Price Indices (EXCEL) (ODF)
Table 4 The Changes of Export Price Indices (EXCEL) (ODF)